Is Rust Cross-Platform

Rust is by far one of the best survival games out there, period. Although games like DayZ come close to competing with Rust, it is the superior title, even though it was inspired by it! The amount of work Facepunch studios has put into the game has made the game one of the go-to titles for multiplayer gameplay in 2022.

The game has seen a weird rollout, to say the least; it was initially released as an early access game in 2013. The official version of the game was released for Windows and macOS in 2018. Seeing the growing demand for the game in the community, Facepunch recently released the game for powerful consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One!

At its core, Rust is a multiplayer experience unlike any other. So it only makes sense to have the option of Rust servers to have cross-platforming available for the player. Cross-platforming will allow a player to connect and play with his friends who may not have the same console or system.

Is Rust Cross-Platform in 2022 on Consoles and PC?

In this article, we’ll answer every question related to Rust’s cross-platform capabilities. At the end of the article, you should be well briefed about cross-platforming in Rust and how to do it!


Quick Introduction To Rust

Rust is a survival game that puts particular emphasis on multiplayer gameplay. The goal of the player is straightforward, survive in a world that is hostile towards you. There are many players out there, but they are coming for you and your precious loot.

That’s not it; rabid creatures like wolves and bears roam freely in this seemingly open world, waiting for their next prey. The game is really harsh for beginners who don’t have any experience as they get killed instantly by well-equipped players!

The game is so hard that most of the players just give up after a couple of tries. But this difficulty curve is what led to this question of cross-platform. You see, if you have someone helping you out in the game, your initial experience of the game will be better.

And if your friend has a different console or system than you, then the cross-platforming question arises. So let’s get into it!


Is Rust Cross-Platform In 2022?

Yes, Rust is cross-platform in 2022, and it is the best feature the game has added to its arsenal. Many modern games don’t have the cross-platform feature, even though it will help their player base. So having the cross-platform feature in the game is excellent!

But there’s one problem, though. The game is cross-platform, but only on consoles. So if you have a PS4, you will be able to play with a player from the Microsoft console, but you won’t be able to play with a player from PC or macOS who has the game!

Cross-platforming between consoles has been taken care of, and it works just fine for many players. Infact it is one of the selling points of the game. On PC, the game can cross-platform between Windows and macOS, without any hassle or technical difficulties.

The issue arises when the consoles try to cross-platform with the PC Rust servers. Infact this is a boon for console players because cross-platforming with PC players would’ve caused a lot of problems. Sadly Facepuch studios have not made this feature a thing for specific reasons!


The Real Reason Why Rust Isn’t Cross-Platform For Consoles And PC!

Well, if Facepunch studio can make Rust cross-platform between two rival companies, why can’t it make it cross-platform with PC systems? The gaming community has seen this trend for a while now; both Sony and Microsoft make it hard for studios to allow cross-platforming, at times demanding royalty fees.

But Facepunch studios came over that barrier. So what might be the reason for not allowing cross-platform with PC? Several reasons need to be addressed before allowing PC players to play against console players of any company.

PC players have an unfair advantage over console players as their controls, i.e, a keyboard and mouse, are far superior to the traditional handheld joysticks. And every player knows this, so pitting a console player against a PC player won’t be fair.

Not to mention the superiority of hardware in PC as well. It is not a hidden fact that console multiplayer causes ping and lag sometimes; this can literally ruin your game when you are playing competitively. Rust is a game that requires a lot of concentration; the last thing you want is to die from a mistake you didn’t make!

PC players are notorious for finding bugs and exploiting them to their benefit. They also hack into the servers and play any way they want. Hackers are a real problem when playing online on PC, and long-time Rust players will know about this issue by now.

Plus, Facepunch would’ve had to take care of the technical side of things. And the fans of the game didn’t want the feature in the first place. So if a community doesn’t want a specific part for their game, why would the studio go out of its way to add it in any way? It makes no sense.

So simply put, Rust isn’t cross-platform with PC is a good thing for all console players as they won’t be subjected to illegal hacks that ruin their experience.

Commonly Asked Questions


Is Rust Available On PS5 And Xbox X/S?

Though Rust wasn’t released for the Xbox X/X and the PS5, technically, you can run the game on both these consoles thanks to the backward compatibility they both offer. The feature is one of the best things about the new generation consoles; they make it easier to play older games!

Is Rust Cross-Platform Between Xbox X/S And PS5?

Yes, the game is meant to cross-platform between both the PS4 and the Xbox One. As the new-gen consoles support backward compatibility, it is safe to say they also run on the same servers, allowing you to cross-platform with each other.

Not just that, you can also cross-platform with older generations f the console’s families on which the game was initially released!

Is Rust cross-platform between Xbox One and PS4?

Rust was released for the Xbox One and the PS4 in May 2021. So the game is relatively new. Yes, Facepunch studio has made the game a cross-platform title, which is an excellent feature for a modern title. Though the scope of the cross-platform is limited to consoles, it is a great feature nonetheless.


How To Play Rust Solo Player?

Playing Rust alone on the map will be an excellent experience for any beginner. The core mechanics of the game make it impossible for new players to start having fun right away. The amount of things that can kill you on your first run is just crazy high.

So playing alone will allow you to regroup and have the entire map to yourself, letting you master the terrain! To play solo, you first have to set up a local Rust private server which can be done by downloading files from here and then following the instructions inside the folder or on the official website to start playing solo!

Published by Jack on August 27, 2022
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