Unturned Vehicle List & ID's

In Unturned, vehicles are an integral part of surviving the zombie apocalypse. They can help you get around the map quickly, carry lots of supplies, and even act as a mobile base. Due to their diversity, it may be challenging to keep track of all conceivable vehicle kinds. This list will be helpful in the situation.

All the vehicles in Unturned have been listed in detail, along with their ID numbers.

We've compiled a comprehensive list of all the different types of vehicles in Unturned, along with their ID numbers. This way, you can quickly look up any vehicle you need and add it to your game.

Unturned Vehicle List & IDs

In Unturned, there are various vehicles that players can use to travel around the map. Each vehicle has its unique ID, which can spawn the vehicle in-game. To access the search bar and locate the item(s) you need on this list, press [Ctl] [F].

Offroaders Vehicle


  1. Black Offroader
  2. Blue Offroader
  3. Green Offroader
  4. Orange Offroader
  5. Purple Offroader
  6. Red Offroader
  7. White Offroader
  8. Yellow Offroader

Cars of Special Services


33. Police Car

802. Armored Police Truck

142. Prison truck

188. Police motorcycle

166. Police Car Germany

3504. Police Jeep Germany

Firefighter Cars


34. Firetruck

804. Fire Tanker

805. Fire Chief

167. Firetruck (Germany)

Construction Machinery


840. Bulldozer

841. Cement Truck

842. Skid Loader

141. Dumptruck

Coastguard Cars


809. Coastguard Truck

828. Coastguard Jeep

Other Services


76. Taxi

122. Luggage Car

847. Delivery Truck

844. Scavenger

40. Red Van

41. White Van

42. Yellow Van

133 Anouska

134 Orca

135 Hind

136 Ural

137 Tank

138 Tractor

139 Moon Buggy

140 Fighter Jet

141 Dump truck

142 Prison Truck

143 Humvee

144 Huey

145 Jeep

146 Jeep

147 Ural

148 APC

149 Black Rabbit

150 Blue Rabbit

151 Green Rabbit

152 Orange Rabbit

153 Purple Rabbit

154 Red Rabbit

155 White Rabbit

156 Yellow Rabbit

157 Eagle Vehicle

158 Black Beetle

159 Blue Beetle

160 Green Beetle

161 Orange Beetle

162 Purple Beetle

163 Red Beetle

164 White Beetle

165 Yellow Beetle

802 Armored Police Truck

803 Commander

804 Fire Tanker

805 Fire Chief

806 Coaster

807 Hovercraft

808 Bouncer

809 Coastguard Truck

810 Coastguard Seaplane

811 Red Sportscar

812 Black Sportscar

813 Blue Sportscar

814 Green Sportscar

815 Orange Sportscar

816 Purple Sportscar

817 White Sportscar

818 Yellow Sportscar

Military Vehicles


51. Forest Ural

52. Forest Humvee

53. Forest APC

55. Desert Ural

56. Desert Humvee

57. Desert APC

87. Forest Jeep

118. Toiler, (UAZ).

119. APC (Vodnik)

120. Forest Tank

121. Desert Tank

136. Ural Oil (Olive)

137. Tank Oil

143. Humvee, Olive

145. Jeep Olive

146. Jeep

157. Eagle

3500. Spartan (ELVO Leonidas-2)

3501. Chariot

3502. Cerberus (M270 MLRS)

So Many ID's - Bookmark Our Page

We hope you found this list of Unturned vehicles & IDs helpful. See our other articles if you want more details about Unturned. We offer many manuals covering everything from the game's fundamentals to more advanced topics. No matter your search, we will indeed have a guide for you.

Published by Jack Gibson on March 02, 2023
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