VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad

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Rank 37943.
Status offline


Website https://www.vortexrust.gg
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Players 0/0
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check Pinging disabled.
Country United States
Types ModdedVanillaPvPAirdropsOxideStarterkitSoloDuoTrioQuad
Owner vortexrustgg
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VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad

Weekly Map / BiWeekly Blueprint
Group Limit: 4 (Online & Offline, No Alliances)
-- Features --
- Noob Friendly
- 2x Resource Gather
- Clans with Auto Team and Auto Share (Doors/Traps/TC)
- Blueprint Clan Share
- Sam Site Authorization for Team
- Vanilla loot+ (No Trash in barrels, 2x Comps)
- Quick Night (5 Min Bright Night – 55 Min Day)
- Quick Smelt – 2x Smelt
- Increased Stacks – 2x stacks – Resources, Comps
- Some Default BPs
- No Vending Cooldown
and more!
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Weekly Map / BiWeekly Blueprint
Group Limit: 4 (Online & Offline, No Alliances)
-- Features --
- Noob Friendly
- 2x Resource Gather
- Clans with Auto Team and Auto Share (Doors/Traps/TC)
- Blueprint Clan Share
- Sam Site Authorization for Team
- Vanilla loot+ (No Trash in barrels, 2x Comps)
- Quick Night (5 Min Bright Night – 55 Min Day)
- Quick Smelt – 2x Smelt
- Increased Stacks – 2x stacks – Resources, Comps
- Some Default BPs
- No Vending Cooldown
and more!
Join our discord!

VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad Server IP

The server IP address for VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad is 2xquad.vortexrust.gg:28015. To get the server IP, please utilize the information on the left side of this page or simply copy and paste it into your in-game server browser.

How do I play on the VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad Rust server?

First launch Rust, next click the "Play" button then select "Multiplayer" from the menu.

Click "Add Server" tab and input the text 2xquad.vortexrust.gg:28015 on the "Server Address" box then hit "Done".

Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on "Join Server" button to play on VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad.

What is VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad's website?

The website for this server is https://www.vortexrust.gg

Here, you can find more about VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad. This website will direct you to VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad's server store, voting links, gaming news, and more!

Where is VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad Rust server hosting located?

The VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad server is currently hosted in United States and has a great connection. It is advised that you use the server closest to your location for an optimal gameplay experience.

Which Rust Types and Game modes can I play on VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad?

On VortexRust.gg | 2x Solo Duo Trio Quad, you can play on the following types: Modded,Vanilla,PvP,Airdrops,Oxide,Starterkit,Solo,Duo,Trio,Quad