E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items

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Types PvPPvEModdedFriendly
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E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items

Looking for a mix of PVE and PVP? Our newest server provides the best of both worlds. Dedicated PVE zones set up to allow no killing other players. Players don't drop items when killed by other players, but you earn shop points and other loot from them. [B]Join us today![/B]

XP and Loot bonuses in PVP Cities

Coming Soon
PVP Loot - Get a loot drop when you kill a player
PVP Gear - Gear designed for PVP.
PVP Mods - Mods designed for PVP


We are a new and upcoming community. Come join us for a great time.


Current Items
Large Custom Map
Custom Zombies
Custom Ammo
Custom Weapons - Unlimited Ammo Guns
Custom Armor
Custom Mods
Custom Items
PVP Tokens - Used in a PVP vending machine to get PVP items.
And more...


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Looking for a mix of PVE and PVP? Our newest server provides the best of both worlds. Dedicated PVE zones set up to allow no killing other players. Players don't drop items when killed by other players, but you earn shop points and other loot from them. [B]Join us today![/B]

XP and Loot bonuses in PVP Cities

Coming Soon
PVP Loot - Get a loot drop when you kill a player
PVP Gear - Gear designed for PVP.
PVP Mods - Mods designed for PVP


We are a new and upcoming community. Come join us for a great time.


Current Items
Large Custom Map
Custom Zombies
Custom Ammo
Custom Weapons - Unlimited Ammo Guns
Custom Armor
Custom Mods
Custom Items
PVP Tokens - Used in a PVP vending machine to get PVP items.
And more...

E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items Server IP

The server IP address for E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items is To get the server IP, please utilize the information on the left side of this page or simply copy and paste it into your in-game server browser.

How do I play on the E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items 7 Days to Die server?

First launch 7 Days to Die, next click the "Play" button then select "Multiplayer" from the menu.

Click "Add Server" tab and input the text on the "Server Address" box then hit "Done".

Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on "Join Server" button to play on E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items.

What is E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items's website?

The website for this server is https://epickgaming.com

Here, you can find more about E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items. This website will direct you to E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items's server store, voting links, gaming news, and more!

Where is E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items 7 Days to Die server hosting located?

The E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items server is currently hosted in and has a great connection. It is advised that you use the server closest to your location for an optimal gameplay experience.

Which 7 Days to Die Types and Game modes can I play on E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items?

On E Pick Gaming PVP/PVE | Custom Items, you can play on the following types: PvP,PvE,Modded,Friendly