Rank | Server | Votes |
Cantina | RP | Land Claims | War | Skill
Players: 0/0
Cantina | RP | Land Claims | War | Skill | Arena| Free VIP |
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Rabisu Rust Server
Players: 0/0
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RustX Artemis 10/12 PVE 3x|Raidable Base
Players: 0/0
- 3x Gather Rates (2.8x Sulfer & Wood, 2x Stones) - 3x Loot! No trash loot in barrels - Increased Smelting and Crafting Speeds - Veteran Queue Skip - Shorter Nights - Recyclers at All Major Monuments - Custom AI |
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RustX Artemis PVE Monthly 3x|Raidable Ba
Players: 0/0
Server modifications: - 3x Gather Rates (2.8x Sulfer & Wood, 2x Stones) - 3x Loot! No trash loot in barrels - Increased Smelting and Crafting Speeds - Veteran Queue Skip - Shorter Nights - Recyclers at All Major Monuments - Custom AI |
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Rusty & Afraid
Players: 0/0
Welcome to Rusty & Afraid Founded in June of 2023 by Casual & Friends Our goal is to provide a fun and enriching RP environment that keeps you wanting to come back for more. We've got backpacks, shops, economy, towns and much more. Stop by for a fun time! |
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[RU] Orange Zone [RPG][+Loot][Event][Bos
Players: 0/0
Ищешь новый опыт и ощущения в игре Rust? Тогда присоединяйся к нам на сервере с RPG системой характеристик! Добро пожаловать на Orange Zone! |
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